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Institute seeks experts to advise on CEA methods

Resource Innovation Institute (RII), is currently recruiting for the following Technical Advisory Council working groups to support its USDA project titled 'Data-Driven Market Transformation for Efficient, Sustainable Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA)'. RII is a non-profit organization whose mission is to measure, verify, and celebrate the world’s most efficient agricultural ideas. RII’s Technical Advisory Council is the leading multidisciplinary body aggregating knowledge to support producers and other stakeholders with objective and peer-reviewed data and curriculum on CEA resource efficiency and productivity.  

Working group members will advise on the development of CEA Best Practices Guides that will be distributed by USDA, thereby providing recognition for contributing organizations.

Participants will be expected to:

  • Commit to 4-8 well-facilitated, enjoyable one-hour meetings over a compressed period of roughly 3-4 months + ~2 hours of peer review on their own time

  • Willing to provide required matching funds.

For more information on the Technical Advisory Council Working Groups, please visit this link

Read the complete article at

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