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Russia continues to increase exports of greenhouse cucumbers to Poland

According to EastFruit analysts, after the considerable first large exports of Russian greenhouse cucumbers to Poland at the end of 2020, the volume of cucumber exports from Russia to Poland in 2021 increased significantly.

In the first 8 months of 2021, Russia has already exported 579 tons of fresh greenhouse cucumbers to Poland, while not a single batch was exported in the same period of 2020. Throughout 2020, Russia exported 244 tons of fresh greenhouse cucumbers to Poland, meaning that the current export volumes have already exceeded the last year’s.

The entire volume of Russian cucumbers was exported to the Polish market in the first 3 months of 2021, and there were no new shipments after that. However, Russian cucumbers were shipped to Poland in October-November in 2020.

Prices for cucumbers in Russia were abnormally high in October this year, exceeding those in Poland. Therefore, it is unlikely that there was any export. In the very first week of November, prices for cucumbers in Russia fell sharply, while in Poland they rose, so Russia may be able to export cucumbers to the Polish market again in the near future.

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