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US iceberg lettuce prices see record high in October 2021

The price of US iceberg lettuce rose by 56% week on week on 27 October, and 67% year-on-year to USD 1.19/lb. This resulted in a peak in the October average monthly price, which reached a record-high of USD 0.8/lbs. The price increase is attributed to low supply in California and Arizona, which are the two largest lettuce production states.

In 2021, both growing regions witnessed unfavorable weather conditions, which has caused a supply shortage of iceberg lettuce, in turn leading to upward pressure on prices. Entire operations are moved to ensure lettuce can be supplied all year round and can cope with the changing climates.

Temperatures in the Salinas Valley (a key lettuce producing region) in California were below average towards the end of the season, thus leading to a 35% decline in lettuce production.


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