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Shipping to Germany and other EU countries

Ukraine sharply increased exports of berries, fruits and nuts in 2021

There has been a sharp increase in Ukrainian exports of fruits, berries and nuts to Germany in the first three quarters of 2021 compared to previous years. Ukraine’s revenue from fruit and berry exports to Germany in this period amounted to a record $15.7 million, up 71% compared to 2020.

The main revenue to Ukraine was brought by the exports of frozen raspberries, which grew 3.3 times to $5.7 million. The second position in exports was also taken by berries, but wild ones – the export of frozen wild blueberries and other wild berries to Germany from Ukraine increased by 82% comparing to 2020, up to $5.5 million. Furthermore, relatively small batches of fresh raspberries, sweet chestnuts and one batch of fresh cherries were delivered to Germany for the first time.

Ukraine continued its expansion into key EU markets that started even before the Russian embargo on food supplies from Ukraine to Russia was introduced and accelerated sharply after it. In addition to Germany, Ukraine increased the exports of nuts, berries and fruits to the markets of other EU countries in the first 9 months of 2021: Poland (by 85%), France (by 22%), the Netherlands (by 86%), Italy (by 70%), Austria (35%), Lithuania (95%) and others.


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