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Voronezhsky greenhouse in Central Russia to grow 12 tomato hybrids

GC Voronezhsky is a high-tech greenhouse located not far from Bobrov city, in the center of Russia. Like all other greenhouses by Eco-kultura, Voronezhsky is equipped with IoT instruments, supporting an ideal microclimate for proper plant growth and development. The enterprise makes use of bio protection as the only means of pest control.

The greenhouse in question will be growing tomatoes. Due to the selection work for which several blocks are allocated in the enterprise, the greenhouse will be able to test and introduce new varieties. Up to 12 tomato hybrids, grown in GC Voronezhsky will be surprising the customers with a variety of flavors. 

The first phase of GC Voronezhsky was launched in 2020 and since summer has been providing the consumers with an abundance of biological vegetables of exceptional organoleptic qualities. Medium-sized tomatoes, as well as round and plum ones, are grown on the acreage of 20.51 ha. The overall yearly crop yield comprised 13 thousand tons.

Big project in Central Russia
According to the president of AIC Eco-kultura, Mr. Rudakov, GC Voronezhsky will become one of the most significant horticultural projects in Central Russia. After the full capacity is reached, the greenhouse will be producing over 38 thousand tons of tomatoes a year. The acreage of GC Voronezhsky will increase up to 60 ha due to the launch of the second and third phases, which are at the moment at the final stage of construction.

AIC Eco-kultura has far-going expansion plans. In 2021 it is planned to expand production through the commissioning of new production facilities in Stavropol, Tula, Leningrad, Voronezh, and Moscow regions. In 2023 the total acreage covered by the high-tech greenhouses of the agricultural holding ECO-kultura will exceed 660 ha n Russia, the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan and the annual production volume will exceed 400 thousand tons.


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