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Rwandan company secures 2000 ha in Zimbabwe for chili production

The Gashora Farm has secured 2000 hectares of land in Zimbabwe, intent on increasing chili production. Its manager, Diego Twahirwa, intends to grow 2000 hectares of the spice this season. The agreement was reached between Shumbatafari, one of Zimbabwe’s leading agribusiness firms, and Gashora Farm, recently in Kigali.

Twahirwa described the move as taking advantage of the good bilateral trade relations between Rwanda and Zimbabwe, recently cemented by a trade and investment conference. He pointed out that the development also allows for diversification, especially with the farm’s growing market demand.

Twahirwa highlighted that the development also comes at a time when he has a long-term International Import Agreement to export 10,000-50,000 tons of dry hybrid chili Teja of first-grade quality to China per year. Under the agreement, Gashora Farm will provide an export market, while Shumbatafari Agriculture provides the land and agricultural expertise.


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