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Primaflor growing with 100% renewable energy

Primaflor, the Almeria-based fruit and vegetable company, has achieved a new milestone after implementing the use of renewable energy in its various production centers. The company will use medium voltage renewable energy that is obtained through a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) and that is 100% certified by the National Markets and Competition Commission. This new advance allows the company to strategically align itself with the objectives set by the European Green Deal and the measures adopted by the EU on climate change, aimed at achieving a low-carbon economy by 2050.

"Consuming renewable energy in our production processes allows us to minimize the environmental impact of our operations, reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, and continue allocating efforts and resources to meet the path set in our sustainability strategy for the coming years," stated Antonio David Peran, Primaflor's Quality and Sustainability Management Technician.

This new step reflects Primaflor's strategy on energy and climate change, and complies with the sustainable development goals established by the Global Compact, specifically SDG 13 "Action for the climate."

“We at Primaflor, have a strong commitment to integrating sustainability into our production process and limiting the environmental footprint of our operations and in our value chain. This is a sample of this commitment; a large part of our agricultural production farms and all of our I and IV range production plants operate with renewable energy since 2020,” stated Cecilio Peregrin, Primaflor's corporate director.

Since that date, the consumption of renewable energy in Primaflor has led to a significant reduction in its carbon footprint, avoiding the emission of more than 7,200 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere from its factories, warehouses, and agricultural production.

Fulfilling this objective and adhering to the 'Climate Ambition Accelerator' Global Deal allows Primaflor to continue concentrating its efforts on achieving zero net emissions by 2050 so that global warming does not increase more than 1.5 degrees.


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