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US (TX): Ector County unveils two new greenhouses

As a part of Ector County ISD’S Red Ribbon Week, the school district unveiled two new greenhouses. The two 5,000 square feet high-tech greenhouses located on ECISD’S agriculture farm come after two years of planning.

“When we actually had the money to do it, the bid came in over $150,000 of what we had saved. Our school board allowed us to use school district funds from our fund balance to cover the access cost,” said Lilia Nanez, ECISD Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.

The greenhouses will serve as a hands-on classroom for agriculture and horticulture students in the career and technical education program. “They will plant, put seeds in dirt and then raise plants from the seedlings all the way up to the point where they will be able to have a spring sale,” said Nanez.

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