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China: "A greenhouse used to need 6 people for fertilization, but now we need only 1"

In the golden autumn of October, the strawberry seedlings grow happily in the 20-hectares Four Season Orchard in Donghai County, Jiangsu Province. There are two thin black pipes beside each row of strawberry seedlings: "These are our drip irrigation pipes, which use  integrated water and fertilizer technology to transport nutrients to the root system of each plant, and the fertilizer utilization rate can be increased by 20%." On October 19, Fan Yuelong, manager of the administrative department of the park, said, “In the past, a greenhouse required six people to carry out fertilization, but now only one person is needed for technical management of fertilization.”

In recent years, Donghai County has focused on gathering digital resources, connecting digital networks, and applying digital scenarios to build an agricultural Internet of Things information system, and has set up smart agriculture demonstration core areas, plant factory production demonstration areas, and modern agricultural technology integrated test areas.

Local growers all use new agricultural equipment, modern science and technology, and production management methods to carry out large-scale, intensive, specialized, and collective production activities for agriculture.

Sanpu Village, Shuangdian Town, was once an economically weak village. Now, however, the temperature and humidity in the production process of fresh-cut flowers can be monitored, including some minerals required by plants, and the quality of cut flowers can be further improved through reasonable recipes of nutrients. "In terms of sales, we have built live broadcast rooms for flower sales by influencers online, so that the sales are highly stimulated and more customers know the products." The rise of the digital age has accelerated the development of the fresh-cut flower industry, and many young people have returned to their hometowns to start businesses, laying a good talent foundation for rural revitalization.

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