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US (CO): An update on the Hampton-Preston Greenhouse

Last summer, the Historic Columbia’s Hampton-Preston Greenhouse and Gatehouse project was approved by the city of Columbia’s Design/Development Review Commission, and it is now being built. It was designed by Lambert Architecture and Construction Services as reconstructions of the original buildings. 

By now, they are busy building the greenhouse. So far, the trench drains have been installed, the greenhouse structure and the glass have been delivered, the greenhouse base is being staged, and the wall angle is being installed.

This new greenhouse is being built where the former, smaller greenhouse stood from the 1850s into the late 1800s. The new space will have a section used for teaching classes and for showing people how to propagate their own plants.

As of now, it looks like the project will be complete in Spring of 2022.

Read the complete article and see some pictures at Colatoday.

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