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Taking care of your plant plugs

Of course, ordering new plants is only half the fun. It is important to know how to take care of those plants in order for them to grow to their full potential. Below is a list of tips for making the best of your plant plugs.

  • Unpack your plants as soon as they arrive, even if you do not have time to plant them up straight away – they will need some air after being enclosed in their packaging.
  • Give them a drink! The plants may well be thirsty after their journey, so moisten the plugs of soil at the roots of the plants if they are dry. The plants might look a little sad on arrival, but they should perk up once you give them a drink.
  • When you are ready, gently tweak each plug plant out of its packaging and plant each one into a 7-9cm pot, filled with good quality, multi-purpose compost. 
  • Gently press the plug plant into the compost, adding more to top up the pot if necessary. Do not fill the pot to the very top with the compost – you need to allow for watering.
  • Place your pots somewhere where they will stay fairly warm and get lots of light – a windowsill or a table near a window is fine if you do not have a greenhouse or conservatory.
  • Keep the compost moist, but try not to overwater.

Read more tips at

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