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Brussels approves €120 million in aid to transform and modernize greenhouses in Spain

The European Commission has approved €120 million, which will be taken from the recovery funds of the European Union, for Spain so they can support the transformation and modernization of greenhouses for vegetables, cut flowers, and ornamental plants. It will be financed by the Recovery and Resilience plan, following its approval by the Commission and its adoption by the Council.

This public aid scheme, which will last until December 31, 2023, aims to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of producers of vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants, supporting their ecological transition, according to the EC.

Under the plan, public support will take the form of direct grants to make structural and energy efficiency improvements.

The Commission assessed the scheme in accordance with the EU rules on state aid, in particular with the guidelines that apply to the agricultural and forestry sectors and rural areas. These rules allow the Member States to grant aid to ensure viable food production and promote efficient use of resources for smart and sustainable growth.

The Commission concluded that the aid facilitates the development of economic activity and does not adversely affect trading conditions.


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