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Former Welsh Secretary claims UK supermarkets are ‘disguising’ EU food

John Redwood, the Tory MP for Wokingham in Berkshire, has stated that supermarkets have a ‘keen enthusiasm to display the Union flag’, coupled with a ‘marked reluctance to celebrate’ food from the continent with an EU flag.

On his blog, Redwood said: “I notice in my local supermarkets a keen enthusiasm to display the Union flag on many foods the retailer can claim are homegrown. There is a marked reluctance to celebrate the EU origins of continental food with an EU flag, or even to put a Dutch flag on the salad items and a Spanish flag on the vegetables that come from there.”

“This makes it a bit more difficult for homegrown food enthusiasts to spot the import. It implies the supermarkets think there are plenty of people who want to buy UK food, but not enough who will insist on EU food so they seek to disguise it.”

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