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Distinghuishing various shapes of greenhouses

Greenhouses come in various shapes and sizes, are made from different materials, and may also have different glazing. When it comes to large commercial greenhouses, you are bound to encounter various types, such as raised domes, flat arch, tunnel, skillion, and sawtooth. Below are a few different types of greenhouse.

Gable roof greenhouse
A gable roof consists of two roof sections installed at a 45-degree angle that meet at a top point, called a roof ridge. A gable roof greenhouse is suitable for locations with cool and temperate climates and is ideal for more extensive commercial greenhouse operations. The roof design is flexible to fit the site. 

A-Frame greenhouse
An A-frame greenhouse is good for conserving energy and is weather-resistant. Moreover, the design of the roof makes it suitable for the installation of solar panels. However, the interior of an A-frame is smaller than its exterior.

Hoop house
This type of greenhouse looks like a series of buried half hoops. The hoops can be made from different materials and are covered with a particular plastic film made for greenhouses. This type is cheaper than other types, and the size is adjustable, but it is not easy to insulate. However, it can give you additional growing time, which can increase your revenue. A hoop house can also be called an igloo or a tunnel, depending on the length of the house.

Gothic arch greenhouse
A gothic-style greenhouse is more prevalent in Europe than in the United States. The weight of the greenhouse structure is distributed in the arches instead of the walls, and the design plan is more open as the solid walls are missing. You can make the structure big and tall depending on your requirements. 

Shade house greenhouse
This type of greenhouse is suited for plants that require only minimal sunlight. It has mesh, wooden slats, or fabric to create a shaded growing area, and is ideal for plants that are not domestic to the site. 

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