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Spanish growers protest against Moroccan agricultural products

Spanish growers have been demanding that government officials "comply and control imports from third countries," including Morocco, based on agreements with the EU. The demonstrators claim ‘the entry of these agricultural products contributes to the collapse of prices of the Spanish products’.

During the protests, Andrés Góngora, coordinator of the Coordination of Farmers' and Breeders' Organizations (COAG) in Almeria, called for ‘stopping imports from countries outside the EU’. Gongora urged the Spanish government to implement initiatives in the European Parliament, the Council, and the Commission so that the European Union modulates the extra-Community agreements.

The spokeswoman of the UPA Almeria, Francisca Iglesias, said that "an agreement must be reached, but it must be respected and must have a series of conditions that so far have not been met, such as quotas, payment of tariffs and border control."


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