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Potential drivers show interest as UK haulage firm offers free HGV training

As Brexit forced thousands of European drivers to leave the country, and Covid got in the way of around 30,000 tests for potential new drivers last year, organizations such as the Road Haulage Association estimate the UK needs 100,000 HGV drivers.

Leicestershire-based Translink Express Logistics says it has attracted dozens of potential candidates with the offer of fully-funded training. They are offering to pay the £2,500 training fee for each successful candidate, as well as their wages. It is also offering all new-pass HGV Class 2 drivers the opportunity to upgrade to HGV Class 1 within six months, for free.

Translink Express commercial director Chris Hobbis told “There’s no upper limit to what we’re pledging here – we’re committed to invest whatever it takes to solve this problem."

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