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Price of genetically modified tomato fixed at more than $68 per Kg

The price of the world s first genetically modified tomato has been fixed at $68 or more than Rs11000 per kg. According to foreign media, Japan has developed the world’s first tomato that has been further improved by making fundamental changes to its genome. This tomato has been dubbed ‘Sicilian Ruff High Gibba’.

Experts say that this tomato contains five times more Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) than normal tomatoes. In addition, other types of GABA have been increased that specifically lower blood pressure. Its seeds have been created by a startup called Sanatech, which has been formed at the University Scuba International in Japan. Currently, these tomatoes are being sold online.

The research has carried out genetic editing of tomatoes, and no new genes have been added, but genetic modification has prevented the factors that hinder the growth of GABA. After going through several stages, the growth of GABA in tomatoes began to increase rapidly.

Scuba University experts say they have used CRISPR-Cas9 popular genetic editing technology. However, after going through several stages, it has been allowed to be manufactured and sold on a commercial scale. Since then, farmers have started regular cultivation.

Researchers say that the first consumer did not fully understand the technology, but the farming process and other volunteers found it satisfactory. Now the Japanese Department of Health has approved its regular sale.

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