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Kevin Watson new Compliance Officer for Arizona Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement

Arizona Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (Arizona LGMA) has issued a statement saying it is pleased to welcome Kevin Watson as its new LGMA compliance officer. In this role, Kevin will help to implement the program’s comprehensive, science-based, food safety standards. Watson joins Arizona LGMA in time for its winter harvest season and brings more than 20 years of experience to the position.

As a compliance officer, Mr Watson will review all onsite farm audits conducted as part of the Arizona LGMA programs. Audits are used to ensure that handlers of leafy greens are using the safest possible farming practices and that its members remain in compliance. Upon reviewing the audits Watson will assign violations and oversee corrective actions made by farms in order to achieve 100 percent compliance.

“The role of the compliance officer critical. We were fortunate to find someone with the depth and breadth of Kevin’s experience. He is a great asset to Arizona LGMA,” said C.R. Waters, chairman of Arizona Leafy Greens Food Safety Committee.


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