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US (TX): Tractor Supply greenhouse gets green light

The Navasota City Council held a Regular Meeting Monday, Dec. 14, and approved a greenhouse construction permit application submitted by Cole TS Navasota TX LLC (Tractor Supply). Council member Pattie Pederson was present via Zoom.

After a public hearing with no comments against, council approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 949-20 for construction of a greenhouse at the 9320 Hwy. 6 Loop location. The site plan provides for two enclosed greenhouse areas, two canopied areas and a drive-thru lane. According to Tractor Supply representative Aaron Blue, the project’s cost is $500,000.

Community Development Director Lupe Diosdado said, “It’s exciting to see that existing businesses are reinvesting and giving back to the community.”

Read the complete article at NavasotaExaminer.

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