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Clover introduces free agronomy service for their greenhouse farmers

The farmers of India are channeling into a growing consciousness of adopting scientific and clean farming techniques to grow superior quality of fruit and vegetables. The agritech startup Clover has been providing agronomy services for their greenhouse farmers with an aim to provide them with structural market access.

Over 60 greenhouse farmers with over 70+ acres of farms have benefitted with Clover’s agronomy service and have seen their yield increase up to 4 times. This service is a part of Clover’s business model aiming to improve the per acre yield from the farmer’s landholding, in turn improving farmer income while providing consistent access to high-quality fruit and vegetables to Clover’s consumers in Bangalore and Hyderabad.

Clover’s team of in-house agronomists work closely with the farmers as a ‘one-stop solution’ for guidance from the “seed to harvest” stage of farming. Agronomists provide them with detailed and meticulous information about the demand from the market, crop to be grown, quality of seed selection, fertilizer management, insect and disease management, water management, harvesting and storage. Clover’s agronomy team also supports farmers with nutrient deficiency data that help in determining the nutritional needs of the plant at different stages.

Clover guides farmers on greenhouse farming methods including proper use of ventilation, lighting control, pest management which results in significant yield improvement, reduced cost of cultivation and improvement in the percentage of first grade produce.

This extensive and holistic agronomy support has resulted in the improvement of first-grade fruits by more than 25%, reduced input costs like nutrient and crop medicine. The farmers have been guided to use proper nutrients at the right stage.

Avinash BR, CEO and Co-founder of Clover said, “With Clover’s agronomy services we ensure higher yields and productivity for the farmer. A Clover network farmer has the enviable privilege of being able to sell all his produce to us. Over the last couple of years, we’ve seen farmers increase their yield anywhere from 4 times compared to the times without Clover’s agronomy intervention. The added benefit is also lesser wastage due to committed market access.”

Clover partners with small farm holders, and sells premium quality, greenhouse-grown fresh produce — spinach, coriander, lettuce, basil, cucumbers, beans, cauliflower, etc. — through B2C channels. Clover is currently managing over 70 acres of farms and intends to scale this manifold over the coming months.  

Source: BW Disrupt

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