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IIT-Bombay alumni with no farming background start hydroponic farm

Mayank Gupta and Lalit Jhawar started LandCraft Agro in 2019 to grow 40 varieties of exotic vegetables. They now make a turnover of Rs 80 Lakh a month.

The western belt of Maharashtra is famously known as the sugar bowl of the state. Kolhapur district, located in this belt, is also famous for its jaggery, footwear and tourist attractions. But this region may soon also be popular for growing organic exotic vegetables.

The reason behind this is the aquaponic and hydroponic farms that have sprung up in a small patch of 50-acre land for growing exotic vegetables. About 40 varieties of exotic plants like kale, lettuce, Pak Choi, mushrooms, and other vegetables are grown here and sent across to other cities in India.

Interestingly, it is not the natives who have changed the cropping pattern, but IIT-Bombay alumni with no farming background. The initiative is called LandCraft Agro.


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