The crisis of Covid-19 has caused extensive drops in GDP around the world, especially in the second quarter of the year, due to restrictions on mobility and the closure of activities that it has implied. Despite this, the number of Andalusian companies that export to the British territory has increased by 7,8% year-on-year until September. These are some of the main conclusions that emerge from the Monitoring Report of the Brexit in the Andalusian economy, presented to the Governing Council by the Minister of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Junta de AndalucĂa, Rogelio Velasco.
According to the report prepared by the Ministry of Economic Transformation, until September, exports of agri-food products (8,3% year-on-year) have been positive, especially blueberries, olive oil and tomatoes.
The report also says that within the European Union, GDP is has decreased by 7% year-on-year between January and September. The decline suffered in the UK has been even greater, at 11%.
In this unfavorable context, from January to June 2020, the productive investment in Andalusia made by the United Kingdom has multiplied by three, reaching the 18,3 million, in a context of sharp decline (23,7%) of foreign capital as a whole, which registered a volume of 252,7 million in that period.
The number of Andalusian firms that sell to the British territory has increased by 7,8% year-on-year until September to stand at 1.087 companies.