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January-September 2020

Azerbaijan increases tomato exports

Azerbaijan has increased the export of tomatoes by 15.5 percent in the period January-September 2020. In this period, the country exported 154,980 tons of tomatoes worth $167.8 million. This amounts to a year-on-year export increase of 15.5 percent in quantitative terms.

In this period, the main importer of Azerbaijani tomatoes was Russia with 98.2 percent of total exports. During the first nine months of the year, some 152,212 tons of tomatoes worth $166.6 million were exported to Russia. Azerbaijan exported 174,548 tons of tomatoes worth $189.2 million in 2019.

Moreover, during the reported period, Azerbaijan increased export of potatoes by 31.8 percent, while reducing its import by 23 percent. Thus, country exported 81,318 tons of potatoes worth $33.7 million, while importing 84,103 tons worth $20.6 million, during the first nine months of 2020. The main importer of Azerbaijani potatoes was Russia as well, with 85.1 percent of total export.

In the meantime, Russia and Iran became the main suppliers of potatoes to Azerbaijan during the reported period. It should be noted that Azerbaijan exported 61,785 tons of potatoes worth $26.8 million in 2019.

Apart from tomatoes, Azerbaijan exported 20,087 tons of fresh persimmon worth $15.6 million during the period of January-September 2020; a decrease of 25.8 percent in as compared to the same period of 2019.

Russia accounted for 91 percent of all fresh persimmon export from Azerbaijan. Thus, Russia exported 18,277 tons of fresh persimmon worth $15.1 million. It should be noted that the country exported 146,075 tons of persimmon worth $104.6 million in 2019. The main export of this product came to Russia as well.


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