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Russians to consume 115 kg of vegetables per year by 2028

According to the Center for Industry Expertise of the Russian Agricultural Bank, the consumption of fresh vegetables in Russia will increase to 115 kg per capita by 2028. The main reason for this will be a further increase greenhouse vegetable production.

The actual consumption of vegetables in Russia currently stands at 109 kg per capita. This is 24% less than the norm recommended by the Ministry of Health. Still, it seems that Russia is already ahead of such countries as Germany, France and Canada in per capita consumption of vegetables.

According to the Center for Industry Expertise (SEE), as the economy recovers and interest in healthy eating grows, vegetable consumption in Russia will increase by about 1% annually and will reach 115 kg per capita by 2028.

An article on explains that the growth in consumption of fresh vegetables will be ensured by an increase in production volumes in greenhouse complexes. According to the forecasts of the Center for Industry Expertise, in the next few years, the production of greenhouse vegetables will increase by an average of 7% per year.

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