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Hainan - China

Average income of Sanya growers reaches $45,000 per hectare

Agriculture near the district city of Sanya, on average, produces 300,000 yuan (US$ 45,000) worth of products per hectare. According to the local Sanya Daily, producers have been able to achieve this figure above the national average through robust research into highly efficient tropical agriculture.

In recent years, Sanya has optimized the structure of the agro-industrial sector, introduced new technologies into production and significantly expanded the breeding base, which contributed to an increase in the income of local farmers. That is why rural businessmen, who grow melons and gourds in the winter season, have resorted to drip irrigation technology, which allows them to efficiently use water resources and economically manage their farming.

The city of Sanya is one of the southernmost settlements in China. This area is called a "natural greenhouse" because of the abundance of sunlight and tropical rain, it has natural advantages for the development of highly efficient tropical agriculture. They grow passion fruit, pitaya (the so-called dragon fruit), coconut, pomelo and many other tropical fruits. Moreover, Sanya also has opportunities for sea fishing, horticulture and animal husbandry.


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