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US: Adams Central greenhouse takes shape

Construction continued this week as a new greenhouse at Adams Central High School took shape with hopes of having students using the building by January 2021.

The new structure is located to the west of the school and south of the track. Contractors on Friday started adding the distinctive panels that will help distinguish the metal frame as a greenhouse.

Brandon Jacobitz, agriculture instructor and FFA adviser at Adams Central, said that once the structure is enclosed, the process will be protected from inclement weather. He expects construction to finish within the next four weeks.

The greenhouse features an underground heat transfer system that will help reduce energy costs.

Contractors dug down 3.5 feet into the ground to install 1,800 feet of black tubing and four pipes to serve as an air movement system. The circulation will act like a heat pump, only using air instead of water.

“It’s using the natural heat of the ground,” Jacobitz said. “It will also reduce the humidity and moisture content.”

Read more about the project at

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