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2 out of every 3 zucchinis sold in Europe are Spanish

Spain consolidates as the EU's largest zucchini supplier

Over the last five seasons, Spanish zucchini exports to the European Union (EU) have increased by 33.56%, according to data from the statistical service Euroestacom (Icex-Eurostat) prepared by Hortoinfo. In fact, Spanish zucchini overwhelmingly dominates the EU markets, as 64.83% of the zucchinis sold in EU Member States are Spanish, 8.95% are Moroccan, 6% are German, 4.15% are Dutch and 3.81% are French.

The total volume of zucchinis bought by the EU in the 2019/2020 season was 754.58 million kilos; 4.54% more than in the previous campaign. The total value amounted to 768.03 million Euro, so the average price per kilo reached € 1.018, which is 4.73% higher than in the previous season.

Of the 5 countries that sell the most zucchini in the EU, the most expensive has been supplied by the Netherlands and Germany (€ 1.162/kg), followed by Spain (€ 1.032/kg) and France (€ 0.998/kg).

The EU's largest zucchini suppliers
Spain has sold 489.23 million kilos worth 505.05 million Euro in the EU during this last campaign.

For its part, Morocco exported 67.53 million kilos worth 56.38 million Euro, with an average price of € 0.835/kg.

The EU's third largest supplier is Germany, which sold 45.4 million kilos worth 52.77 million Euro, at an average price of € 1.162/kg.

The fourth place has been for the Netherlands, with 31.39 million kilos, 36.47 million Euro and an average price of € 1.162/kg.

France, in fifth place, exported 28.78 million kilos worth 28.71 million Euro to the EU in the 2019/2020 season, thereby obtaining an average price of € 0.998/kg.



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