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CA (ON): Rooftop farm to be constructed on Daphne Cockwell complex

Ryerson University’s second rooftop farm is the first purpose-built green roof for food production under the City of Toronto’s Green Roof Bylaw. 

The University played a major role in developing the City’s bylaw, with Ryerson Architectural Science professor Hitesh Doshi acting as principal investigator of a key study, and eventually becoming chair of Toronto’s Green Roof Technical Advisory Group. Since being enacted, this bylaw has resulted in the permitting of more than 2.6 million square feet of green roofs, about 700 living roofs, and Toronto has been recognized for having installed the most square feet of green roofs in 2016 out of all North American cities, and the second most square feet in 2014 and 2015. 

This new rooftop space sits atop the eighth floor of the Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex (DCC), directly across from the original quarter-acre rooftop farm on the fifth floor of the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre. Surrounding a spacious 140 person gathering space, the DCC rooftop farm will add an additional 4300 square feet of growing space and a 400 square foot greenhouse that will be dedicated to year-round food production. 

Read more at City Farmer (Michael Levenston)


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