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January-August 2020

The EU, Norway and Switzerland account for 96% of all Spanish fruit and vegetable exports

According to data from the General Directorate of Customs, between January and August of this year, 96% of all Spanish fresh fruit and vegetable exports went to the EU, Norway and Switzerland. These shipments were worth 9,727 million Euro, which entailed a growth of 9% compared to the same period in 2019. Regarding shipments to third countries, they fell by 14.5%, standing at 347 million euros.

Exports to EU countries in this period were worth 9,388 million Euro; 8% more than in the same period of 2019, with strong growth in the most important destinations, like Germany, with 13% more and 2,803 million Euro, or France, with 10% more and 1,786 million Euro.

Switzerland and Norway, the main destinations for Spanish fruit and vegetable exports outside the EU, also showed strong growth, with a 29% increase in both cases, totaling 248 million Euro and 91.5 million Euro, respectively.

According to FEPEX, these figures show, once again, that Europe is essential for the growth of Spanish fruit and vegetable exports, but also how difficult it is to open new markets in third countries and maintaining them.

During the period at hand, there was a reduction in the shipments to two of the leading non-European destinations: Brazil and Canada. There was a 46% drop in the case of Brazil, which totaled 35.3 million Euro, and a 27% one in the case of Canada, totaling 35 million Euro.



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