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Cultivating a career at Arizona lettuce farms

Stephanie Pharris never set out to be a FarmHer, but now that she’s here, she has found her calling. A background in food distribution led her to a role as the Equipment Fixed Asset Manager at Duncan Family Farms in Arizona. Now, over eight years later, she is thriving along with the large farm in supply chain management. Stephanie ensures produce gets to processors, and then ultimately to consumers. 

Duncan Farms is 100% organic, and grows baby leaf greens in multiple states around the country, year round. Arizona is the main headquarter of the operation, where they grow about 8,000 acres of the tiny greens. The farm’s owners transitioned to organic in the mid-90’s. At the time, they were operating as an agri-tourism operation, and wanted to ensure a safe learning environment for the kids who were visiting. By doing this, it turns out they were well-positioned to transition to an organic farm. As the organic industry grew, Duncan Farms grew with it. As Stephanie put it, if you buy organic lettuce at the store in a bag, there’s a good chance it comes from Duncan Farms.

Read more at FarmHer (Marji Guyler-Alaniz)

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