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Marsh Foods, Spain

Samphire from the marshes of Isla Cristina is taking over the market

Entrepreneurs Manuel Díaz and Demófilo Vitorique have launched an innovative project to grow marsh samphire in Isla Cristina, in the Spanish province of Huelva: Marsh Foods.

Samphire is a halophilic plant that grows in the marshes of this coastal town and has numerous nutritional properties. It has a high protein content, is a source of omega 3 and omega 6 and vitamins C and B1, and has a high content of minerals that are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Samphire is mostly intended for cooking, but its use is spreading to other areas of research. All this has turned the samphire of Isla Cristina into something attractive for tourists.

More information about this food in the following video (In Spanish):




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