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Israeli start-up makes vertical farms to grow crops in city parking lots

An Israeli agri-tech start-up has created vertical farms in urban environments, allowing for fresh produce to be grown in cities. 

These vertical, sustainable farms were developed by Ra'anana-based Vertical Field through the use of geoponic technology, agricultural expertise and smart design. This is especially useful in "urban food deserts," which are often lacking in available space for crop cultivation.

The vertical farms subvert this limitation by creating vertical growing platforms to essentially farm produce on walls. These greenhouse crop-fields are portable, and are around the size of shipping containers ranging from 20 feet to 40 feet, which can fit right in a parking lot, allowing supermarkets and groceries to grow and sell their own home-grown produce right outside the door. 

The farms come with a number of other advantages over traditional farming. Its container-like nature provides a controlled growing environment, ensuring more sterility and keeping it safe from bugs and therefore not needing pesticides. It also allows for automated crop management, which limits human contact and allows for consistent quality.

Read more at The Jerusalem Post (Aaron Reich)

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