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Canary Islands tomato and cucumber exporters will be compensated for their transport aid

After discussing the consequences of the United Kingdom's departure from the EU in the Commission for Affairs Related to the European Union (CARUE), the Vice President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Roman Rodriguez, announced on Tuesday that the transport aid that the islands' fruits and vegetables sector had been receiving for its tomato and cucumber exports will be covered through the Posei community program by other types of aid for marketing and local production.

"In principle, we have solved this need of tomato and cucumber producers via an agreement between the Ministry of Development and Agriculture, and the Government of the Canary Islands, which now has to be ratified by the European Commission," he stressed.

Rodriguez said that British tourists accounted for one-third of the people that visit the Canary Islands. Thus, the islands would benefit if people can easily move between the EU and the UK. It is highly probable that there will be 'reciprocity agreements' and an attempt will be made to ensure that visas between Spain and the EU are not necessary, to facilitate mobility, he added.

Rodriguez also proposed that quarantines be replaced by COVID-19 detection tests. "It is easier for a tourist to be tested than to spend fifteen days in isolation," he stated.

During the meeting, Arancha Gonzalez Laya, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, EU, and Cooperation, reported that both Slovenia and the Netherlands had lifted their sanitary veto on trips to the Canary Islands.


Source: EFE / 

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