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EU ministers agree on 'starting point' for common agricultural policy

Agricultural ministers from EU member states agreed on a post-2020 common agricultural policy (CAP) early Wednesday morning. The intention is to further more environmentally friendly farming practices.

Ministers were meeting in Luxembourg until early Wednesday morning in a special agricultural and fisheries council meeting on the agricultural policy which represents the largest slice of EU funding.

Julia Klöckner, minister for Food and Agriculture of Germany, said the ministers had struck a "very good balance", stating that they had achieved a "sound policy". In a separate statement Klöckner said the agreement was a "milestone for Europe's agricultural policy" insisting that the agreed policy was "greener, fairer, and simpler".

The post-2020 common agricultural policy will include eco-schemes, providing a dedicated budget to farmers who engage in practices such as organic farming and agroforestry, the EU said.


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