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Polish greenhouse tomatoes becoming more expensive

This week, greenhouse plants in Poland have been raising the price of tomatoes, according to analysts at the EastFruit project. The producers themselves say that the reason for the current situation is an active demand combined with insufficient supply.

Today, tomato prices are already reported to range between $ 0.89 and $ 1.02 / kg, which is on average 37% more expensive than at the end of the previous working week. According to market operators, the drop in the supply of greenhouse tomatoes is causing prices to rise. Due to a cold snap, there has been a significant reduction in the volumes. At the same time, these products are in high demand, both in the domestic market and on the part of exporters, and this is having an impact on the price levels.

It is worth noting that at the moment, greenhouse tomatoes in Poland are already 34% more expensive than at the beginning of October 2019. At the same time, producers intend to further increase prices for these products, provided that the current sales rates are maintained, as a limited supply of greenhouse tomatoes on the market will remain.



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