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Netherlands creates markets for Zimbabwean growers

The Dutch embassy has urged the government of Zimbabwe to ensure transparency and policy consistency, especially on land to encourage more local small-scale farmers to venture into horticulture farming.

Speaking at a media briefing in the capital, Dutch ambassador to Zimbabwe, Barbara Van Hellemond said government should introduce more security on 99-year land leases.

“We will keep pushing the Zimbabwean government for progress on the 99-year bankable leases, a new land governance policy and respect of property rights in all of Zimbabwe.”

Hellemond encouraged the government to create a politically and economically conducive environment to fully revive the agricultural sector to its fullest potential.

She added that the fair practice of transparent making and execution of these policies will attract Dutch investors in the future.

In a joint statement, Zimtrade and PUM also said the horticulture project will be replicated all over the country.

Read more at The Zimbabwe Daily (Lorraine Muromo/Tafadzwa Mhlanga)

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