The Mexican tomato grower Santa Rita Production Center is employing the Arrigoni Biorete Air Plus low thickness monofilament insect screen in their 40 hectares of greenhouse after being happy with the results of a test sample.
In a recent video, the company talks about their experience with the insect screens and why they decided to employ it in their full 40 hectares after sampling the product. “What made us change was a sample. We did a test, we saw the technical datasheets, we analyzed it and as a result of the good result it gave us, we are going to implement Arrigoni insect screens in the 40 hectares of high tech greenhouse we have.”
An important element that made the Mexican growers very happy with the insect screen is the ventilation that it still allows for, even when offering full protection. The airflow is very important for the greenhouse, especially in the hot and humid climate they grow in.
Watch Juan Antonio Segura, Operational Director of Santa Rita Production Center explain in the video below.