Striving to make the plastic packaging in their respective supply chains more sustainable, nine of Ireland’s leading agricultural processing and food businesses have come together to form the ‘Plastics Action Alliance’.
Among the new alliance are market leaders from Ireland’s fruit, vegetables and packed salad sectors.
The project will be driven by a steering committee which is made up of senior executives from each of the participating companies, which includes; ABP, Manor Farm, Irish Country Meats, Rosderra, Keelings, Monaghan Mushrooms, Country Crest, Nature’s Best and C&D Foods. It will be chaired by Aidan Cotter, former CEO of Bord Bia.
According to¸ the participants will combine their collective knowledge and experience to significantly reduce single-use packaging from the supply chain, whilst also introducing innovative and more sustainable alternatives. It will collaborate with leading international researchers in the area of plastics and packaging to ensure successful outcomes.