Wholesale buyers in Ukraine are finding it difficult to acquire large enough volumes of tomatoes. Some of them claim a shortage of these products on the market, the Ukrainian Horticultural Association stated on its website.
According to the report, a lack of tomatoes on the market is linked to several factors. “The main reason is the so-called off-season period at Ukrainian plants, because most of them have already completed the sale of tomatoes from the previous season, while other farms are cleaning greenhouses and offer only residual lots for sale,” the association said.
The Ukrainian Horticultural Association said that this situation provokes a rapid increase in prices for tomatoes. “Thus, only in a week, the price of tomatoes in Ukraine went up by an average of 18%. Therefore, prices for Ukrainian tomatoes are already 40% higher than in the second half of November 2017. However, market players hope that this week the situation in this segment somewhat stabilizes, as they expect an increase in imports from Turkey,” the association said.
Open4business.com.ua reported how at the end of October of this year, the Ukrainian Horticultural Association said that the export of tomatoes from Ukraine actually stopped due to the fact that exporters are not able to find the required volumes of products for shipment abroad.