Spain's seed sector has a growth potential to position itself among the most active seed sectors in the world, as was unanimously stated in the Seeds Production and Movement Day organized by the National Association of Vegetable Producers (ANOVE).
Achieving this requires the participation and close collaboration of all the actors involved in the development of the sector, which met in Carmona (Seville) to discuss its current situation and future strategies that need to be implemented. This is the first time that more than 90 participants from 8 autonomous communities, representing companies, entities, and Administrations get together. "This meeting is in itself an indication of the vigor that the production and marketing of seeds represents for the Spanish agriculture," they stated.
Elena Saenz, the director of ANOVE, said that "Spain has become an increasingly relevant actor in the production and trade of seeds in the world, due to its process and geographical circumstances." To develop this industry - she added - "it is essential to ensure a framework that allows having an agile and efficient operation. In addition, the sector must defend the protection of intellectual property, as it is the only wat we can retain the added value in our country, which meets the conditions to become a leading actor of the first order."
The representatives of the Public Administrations reiterated in their statements that it was essential to optimize the scarce resources available, and agreed on the need to devote said resources to actions related to seeds, and ensure the quality and rigor of the control processes.
At the Seminar, several issues that should be discussed in detail so that, with the involvement and commitment of all, the affected parties can find innovative, competitive and realistic solutions were identified. In this regard, they pointed out some relevant issues that should be addressed in the near future, such as:
- The review of procedures to expedite the processing of the OECD certification and the additional declarations in phytosanitary certificates.
- The development of utilities to optimize the seed processes within the CEXVEG platform.
- Extending the use of telematic communications in the completion of processes.
- That the draft Royal Decree that regulating the Phytosanitary Certification Scheme for plant exports contributes to define an agile and effective framework for all those involved in the movement of seeds and plants.
- Extending self-control and self-certification.
- Treatment of the material for tests on seed movements.
The participants in this Seeds Production and Movement Seminar said the meeting had been very positive and agreed to hold periodic meetings of a similar format.