Last October, in the state of Kano, Nigeria, NGO PYXERA Global brought 250 individuals together from diverse backgrounds to discuss how parties might better work together to reduce post-harvest losses (PHL) in the tomato value chain in northern Nigeria.
The objective was to foster collaboration between stakeholders from the public, private, and social sectors in the region’s tomato value chain, aided by the state governments of Kano, Kaduna, Jigawa, and Katsina.
The YieldWise project, funded by The Rockefeller Foundation, is implemented by PYXERA Global with the goal to reduce the amount of tomatoes lost each year post harvest by 50 percent. The program integrates targeted interventions that address the contributing factors of loss to strengthen the vulnerable segments of the value chain to drive loss reduction and, consequently, increase farmer incomes as well as the quantity and quality of the tomatoes that reach the market. describes how YieldWise Nigeria has worked with farmers, middlemen, buyers, input suppliers, technology providers, financial institutions, and state and local governments to address post-harvest loss challenges at every stage along the value chain.