Auchan Retail Spain has introduced an assortment of floating live lettuces at its hypermarket in Alcampo de Leganés, Madrid, which customers can "harvest" at the time of purchase.
These lettuces (green and red Trocadero, green and red Lollo and green Batavia), supplied by Gota Viva, keep their roots in direct contact with water with nutrients up until the very last moment. This is possible thanks to a hydroponic cultivation system, which reproduces the necessary greenhouse conditions in the hypermarket. Each raft has a capacity for 40 live lettuces.
In this way, customers can choose their live lettuce and deposit it in a cardboard box available at the stand itself. Once at home, they can consume it immediately or keep it with water in the fridge or a cool place, since these lettuces guarantee a long shelf life. The lettuces can continue growing even 15 days after being picked.