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Spain: Nazca private equity becomes majority shareholder of aromatic herbs company

The Spanish private equity management company Nazca has become the majority shareholder of Herbex, the number one fresh herbs company in the European market, based in El Ejido, Almeria.

In a statement, the heads of Nazca have pointed out that the founder of Herbex, Jaime Visquert, will retain a "significant" share and will continue as leader of the management team.

The aromatic herbs firm was founded in 1984 in El Ejido, Almeria. Its turnover reached 47 million Euro in the 2017-2018 campaign and three quarters of this was generated from its business outside of Spain.

After recording double-digit growth in the last four years, Herbex expects to double its sales volume between 2018 and 2022, following the entry of Nazca into its capital. With this, it expects to further consolidate its development and accelerate its international growth.

In fact, "part of Nazca's investment will be used to fund the growth plan," according to these same sources.


Source: EFE

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