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US: Fredericton sees giant 1,808-pound pumpkin

The crowd that had gathered for the tenth-annual weigh-off at Glad Gardens in Waterville on September 22, erupted in applause as the giant pumpkin grown by Daryl and Maureen Tingley of Fredericton weighed-in at 1,808 pounds – a new Annapolis Valley Giant Vegetable Growers weigh-off record.

They grew the heaviest pumpkin to ever tip the scales in the decade-long history of the Annapolis Valley Giant Vegetable Growers’ weigh-off.

Daryl said he and Maureen have been growing giant vegetables since 2003. He said they planted the record-setting pumpkin inside their house around the middle of April and moved it outside around the middle of May. They harvested it on Sept. 20.


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