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CAN (AB): Province announces changes to Green Certificate Program

Changes to the Green Certificate Program will allow more students to access the agriculture program.

In an announcement at the Meyer’s farm in Coaldale, Education Minister David Eggen said that students looking to access the GCP will no longer have to worry about money being a barrier.

“The Green Certificate Program is part of our high school program. It’s a way in which students can get credit for farming knowledge and farming learning in the school and outside the school as well. It’s that nice combination of classroom and industry and apprenticeship in a way,” said Eggen.

“Last year, as part of my initiative to reduce school fees in the province of Alberta, we chose to remove the tuition that was associated with the Green Certificate Program, and so while it costs up to $1,000 for the tuition for the green certificate, it is now no charge at all.”

Read more at Sunny South News (Nikki Jamieson)

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