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UK: Fruit growing plans spark flood fears for A38

Major plans to develop fruit-growing polytunnels over more than 30 acres of farmland have sparked fears of an increase in flooding.

Agri Fruit Ltd wants to expand its business at Folley Farm, in North Petherton, so it can provide millions of strawberries to supermarket chain Aldi.

The company, which produces 500 tonnes of strawberries a year, wants 180 temporary polytunnels, an irrigation pond and five mobile homes for staff on the site.

Sedgemoor District Council will meet to discuss the proposals which will create 60 new full and part-time jobs if given the go-ahead.

Rob Latham, clerk to North Petherton Town Council, has told planners the site is already a “significant cause of flooding in the area.”

He said: “The culvert under the A38 cannot cope with the run off from the existing tunnels and any additional development will make matters worse."

Read more at Bridgwater Mercury
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