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Africa: Zaad to acquire Hygrotech

Zaad Holdings, a subsidiary of Zeder, has entered into sale of shares agreements in terms of which it will acquire 100% of the issued shares in Hygrotech Properties.

Zaad serves as Zeder’s focused platform for operationally complimentary investments in the strategic agri-inputs sector.

Through investments made to date it has established itself as a producer, marketer and distributor of a wide variety of agricultural seeds across several countries in Africa and abroad under established names like Agricol, Bakker Brothers and Klein Karoo Seed Marketing.

Hygrotech was founded in 1984 and originated from a company called Roode Lyon which was well known in the vegetable seed and agricultural industries of South Africa.

Hygrotech pioneered the development of F1 hybrids in the South African vegetable industry.

Read more at Africa Global Funds (Anna Lyudvig)
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