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Japan's increasing interest in Myanmar's agricultural sector

There is more and more Japanese interest in the agriculture sector of the Myanmar states of Shan and Mon. Investors are seeing opportunities to provide machinery and equipment, as well as high quality fertilisers and seeds.

Based on data from the Myanmar Times, Japanese imports of Myanmar agricultural products amounted to more than 24 million dollars during the 2015-16 fiscal year. During the same period, Japanese investments totalling 95 million dollars were channelled into the Myanmar agriculture sector.

This year, interest in Shan and Mon agriculture has increased. Officials from the Japan External Trade Organisation along with 11 Japanese companies travelled to the two states to meet with 20 local firms and to gauge market conditions.

Some Japanese companies are exploring ways to establish contract farming agreements to produce fresh vegetables with local farmers. The main purpose is to produce higher quality vegetables to be exported to Japan and ASEAN countries.
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