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The beauty of aquaponic cultivation

Architect Leopold Bianchini has crafted an installation in Brussels in collaboration with Café Recyclart, combining a traditional Belgian dish - eel in green sauce - with the production of the necessary ingredients.

With his latest work, the Swiss architect Leopold Bianchini has come up with a concept that instead takes into account not only the strictly formal aspects of interior design but also proposes a rather unusual connection with one of the main ingredients of local cuisine, “Paling in 't groen”.

Bianchini with Café Recyclart came up with the Aquaponic Eel Bar in an attempt to produce in a single location both the fish and the herbs used to make this local speciality. A kind of hut inside the gallery of Café Recyclart. The roof of the structure designed by Bianchini consists of aquariums where the eel lives, its excrement is turned into nutrients that feed the plants, which in turn filter the water and are used for the sauce.

Read more and check out the photos at Floornature
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