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Egypt: Authorities reject 354 containers due to non conformity

The General Organisation for Export and Import Control (GOEIC) received approximately 19,584 imported food and industry containers during October.

Inspection results showed the validity of 19,230 containers, while 354 were rejected for non-conformity to standards.

The report pointed out that the number of imported industrial containers was 12,135, while food containers amounted to 7,449.

The most important accepted food commodities were 7,260 containers of wheat, corn, soybeans, meat, fish, oils and vegetable fats, and poultry, while rejected commodities are often cocoa, canned foods, and vegetables.

189 food containers were rejected in October, consisting of meat, food cans, cocoa, various food products, fruits, fresh vegetables, and plants.

Minister of Industry and Trade Tarek Kabil said that the control of imported and exported products and the rejection of bad goods comes within the framework of the ministry’s plan to improve the quality of products, whether exported or imported.

The minister pointed out that there is cooperation between the ministry, represented by GOEIC, and the Ministry of Finance, represented by the Customs Authority, to implement standards and specifications on all products, whether exported or imported, in order to preserve the health and safety of Egyptian consumers and relieve local products from unfair competition from poor imported products.

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